National Programme Officer VAM

 NO: OMN/011/2013
(VA issued on 14 August 2013, closing date 28 August 2013)
Post Title : National Programme Officer VAM (NOB)
Grade : NOB (Fixed Term)
Duty Station : WFP’s Regional Bureau for East & Central Africa, based in Nairobi
Salary : As per UN Scales

This vacancy announcement is open to both male and female candidates. Qualified female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is looking for a qualified candidate to fill the post of National Programme Officer (VAM) in support of the Regional Bureau for East & Central Africa  (OMN), based in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Bureau for East and Central Africa (OMN) provides strategic guidance, policy/technical support and direction to WFP operations and activities in nine countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya,
Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. The Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) Unit is a technical support unit within the Regional Bureau which provides analytical and mapping support to a wide range of functions within the Bureau including Programme, Logistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, Emergency Preparedness, and Procurement. The VAM Unit provides support to Country Offices (COs) in food security assessments in both emergency and non-emergency situations in collaboration with the  governments, other UN agencies and NGOs. The unit also supports national capacity strengthening in
food security analysis and mapping. It engages with partners in the development of tools and  methodologies related to food security. OMN VAM Unit will also be working on the format in which data  is stored; the evaluation of data quality; creation of metadata; sample selection, and analytical methods  used to inform policy and programme decision making.

In order to fulfill these responsibilities, the VAM Unit needs to recruit a National Officer to provide  technical support to WFP in three functional areas: a) Spatial Data Analysis (Geographic Information  Systems) and mapping services; b) database development and information management; and c) to  support analytical work.

Specific Tasks:
Under the direct supervision of the Senior Regional Programme Advisor (Vulnerability Asessment and  Mapping) Spatial Data Analysis and Mapping Services
 Design and produce maps that are needed by WFP in East and Central Africa including  contributions to the Food Security and Nutrition Working Group, the Integrated Phased  Classification process and the inter-agency clusters.
 Collaborate with the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) and  other GIS agencies
 Preparation of maps that graphically represent findings from emergency needs assessments, climate change and other vulnerability analyses.
 Preparation of maps that support other WFP operations functions, particularly maps depicting vulnerable areas.
 Preparation of maps that provide an inventory of local resources and capacities, such as infrastructure and NGO capacities that can complement WFP operations.
 Preparation of thematic, i.e. analytical, maps for WFP partners, civil society and UN system agencies and to support WFP advocacy activities.
 Provide the WFP Bureau and COs with GIS and mapping support
 Provide technical GIS support to emergency needs assessments and analytical work relating to climate change
 Review GIS capacity in COs, including descriptions of current/planned support by other organizations/donors.
 Identify areas of comparative advantage for WFP, including specific role(s) or interventions and scale up of current capacity within WFP and relevant Government counterparts for producing quality maps and translating collected information into food security analysis.
 Provide technical GIS support to the design and implementation of WFP Programmes – with particular emphasis on targeting of food assistance based on geographical or socio-economic criteria.
 Review current WFP VAM GIS capacity and support the VAM Unit to upgrade GIS software, tools and provide OMN standard mapping templates.
 Collaborate with the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) and other GIS agencies

Database development and support analytical work 
 List the data (spatial and tabular) required to complete maps for WFP at regional and country levels and contribute to evaluating current CO GIS products and opportunities for standardized  maps;
 Assist COs in the design of data entry mask for surveys.
 Support the WFP CO food security and vulnerability information management capacity by maintaining and updating databases of spatial, socioeconomic data and climate change and developing mechanisms by which such data are shared within WFP as well as with partners;
 Contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a food security, vulnerability and climate change monitoring database system to detect changes in the food security and vulnerability situation of populations at risk;
 Support the analysis of food security and vulnerability related datasets using statistical techniques;
 Contribute to WFP reports on food security, climate change and other information products by supporting outputs derived from statistical analyses when required;
 Support regional food security, climate change and vulnerability analysis;

Information Management and Outreach
 Review existing databases of geospatial, climate change and socio-economic data. Develop mechanisms by which such data can be shared internally and with partners
 Support WFP Programme and Logistics Units with maps and information products during all  phases of the WFP programming cycle, including pre-intervention, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation
 Support training of WFP National Officers in GIS and database management and use. Training would include: Raster data structure, Usage of Raster data, Preparing data for analysis, Reclassifying data and combining analysis datasets.
 Mantain web based information and data for VAM at the regional level Collect, archive, document, and maintain key secondary data, including: food security, socioeconomic, agro-ecological, climatology, nutrition, health and vulnerability that have been collected by Government and partner agencies;
 Liaise via email and telephone regularly with COs, UN agencies, other regional partners for the purpose of collecting and sharing secondary data;
 Perform other related duties as may be requested by the supervisor

Deliverables, produced in collaboration with WFP Country Offices
 Structured tabular data on food security, climate, population and other socio-economic issues  available at CO level.
 Look-up tables matching area codes with attribute information for WFP COs in the region.
 Online Food Security documents containing maps, text, tables, and graphs.
 Mantain GIS files for the COs as a backup service.
 Develop database structures for surveys and WFP meta data and databases on surveys  mantained.
 Food security analysis scripts and analyzed food security tables provided to country offices as needed.
 Update and maintaining of climatology data for the C-ADAPT project.

Qualifications and Experiences:
Experience: At least 3 years of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in the
field of food security, emergency needs assessment, database design, GIS. Knowledge in vulnerability
analysis would also be desirable. Experience utilizing computers including: word processing,
spreadsheet, Arc GIS, SPSS/STATA, Access software packages and systems.
Education: University degree in one or more of the following disciplines: economics, agriculture,
international affairs, geography, nutrition, social sciences, development studies or a field relevant to
international development assistance.

• Essential: Written and verbal fluency in English;
• Desirable: Knowledge of French language
Interested and qualified candidates are requested to submit online applications only according to the following procedures:

 Go to:
 Step 1 : Create your online CV
 Step 2: Click on “Description” to read the position requirements and “Apply” to submit your
NOTE: You must complete Step 2 in order for your application to be considered for this vacancy.
If you have any queries relating to this VA please send them to:
Closing date: 28 August 2013. Applications must be received by the deadline. Late applications
will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates meeting all essential qualifications will be

NB: WFP does not charge fees from applicants at any stage during the recruitment process.


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