Terms of Reference for the AAH-I Salary Survey - Consultancy

Terms of Reference for the AAH-I Salary Survey

1. Background
AAH-I is an African-led, international non-governmental organisation, based in Nairobi, Kenya, that supports livelihood-challenged communities in East and Southern Africa to sustainably improve their well-being and standard of living. With Country Programmes in South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Somalia, and Kenya, AAH-I has over 20 years’ experience working with communities in conflict and post-conflict situations, including refugees, internally displaced people and host communities. More recently AAH-I has expanded its activities to work with other marginalised communities including pastoralists and urban slum dwellers.

2. AAH-I’s work
AAH-I’s Vision is improved quality of life for livelihood-challenged communities in Africa. Our Mission is to support livelihood-challenged communities in Africa to sustainably improve their quality of life. AAH-I works with communities, local government and other development partners to improve:
1. Basic services (health, education, water, hygiene and sanitation),
2. Food and income security,
3. Environmental management and responsiveness to climate change;
4. Governance, civil society strengthening and peace building.
5. Humanitarian relief and recovery.
6. Research to provide the evidence base for the above.

In all its programming, AAH-I aims to mainstream the following cross-cutting issues: HIV/AIDS; Gender equality and equity; Age; Disability; Population and family management

3. Objective of the Assignment:
AAH-I wishes to review its remuneration package for its staff to ensure that it is in line with prevailing market rates. AAH-I is thus seeking a Consultant with good knowledge of the labour market in the region to carry to a salary survey on its behalf in its main countries of operation –Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda.

4. Expected Service:
AAH-I would like to engage the services of a reputable and technically qualified individual with extensive expertise in labour market analyses, management and organizational development to undertake the salary survey process. AAH-I therefore hereby solicits proposals from interested individuals to conduct a salary survey and support AAH-I in establishing a revised and reasonable salary scale for contract holders based on the latest prevailing market rates.

In accordance with the policies governing staff contracts, and the existing salary scale, the selected individual will conduct an independent survey for the purpose of updating the current salary scale for the AAH-I Contract holders in line with the prevailing local market rates for similar work of comparable quality, complexity and difficulty.

5. Expected Outputs:
a. The selected individual shall compile and suggest to AAH-I a list of employers which may be considered as comparators, for the purpose of establishing salary scale remuneration. The list shall be subjected to final approval by AAH-I.

b. Where the comparators are partners of AAH-I, or known to AAH-I, including other NGOs, AAH-I shall assist the selected individual in determining the right contactpersons in order to carry out the survey. However, knowledge of the local market andthe ability to identify and reach out to appropriate comparator employers is a criticaldeliverable of the selected vendor.
c. The individual shall collect the following information from each of these Comparators:
 Job descriptions of the positions similar to those in AAH-I for the purpose of Job matching on the nature, complexities and responsibilities of each position of existing salary scale levels;
 Collect and analyze the salary structures and associated benefits (including
typical allowances and benefits package both monetary and non-monetary) of the selected comparators organization for existing salary scale job descriptions.
 Summary information on the comparator employer (size, number of employees and length of time present in the location).
 The individual shall present a draft analysis report to AAH-I and make recommendations on the proposed salary scale, taking into consideration other NGOs’ scales for similar contractual (non-staff member) modalities.
 The individual shall prepare a Final Report, incorporating comments from AAH-I.
 The individual shall maintain complete confidentiality of all data and documents provided.

6. Deliverables
Based on the time frame specified, the contracted individual is expected to submit a report which includes, but not limited to, the following outputs:
 Details and summary of data collected from the comparator organizations showing position
TOR matches and the evaluation of their remuneration package;
 The Minimum and Maximum Remuneration values of all job matches obtained from the comparators;
 A report on final survey findings with comparison and analysis of the survey results and recommendations related to remuneration packages.
 A summary table of comparators’ practices on remunerations compared to AAH-I service contract salary scales.
 A proposal with options for a revised remunerations scale for AAH-I service contract holders.
 A comparison of other NGO salary scales for similar contractual modalities;
 All completed questionnaires together with relevant salary scales and all relevant documentation and correspondences received from the respective comparators.
 As and when required by AAH-I, the individual shall conduct a presentation of the process and the results to any relevant audience that AAH-I may organize.

7. Institutional Arrangement
The work of the individual that will be engaged shall be supervised by the AAH-I Executive Director. He/she will liaise with the AAH-I Finance and Administration Director and the Human Resource Manager. Submission of the Consultant’s reports shall be coursed through the AAH-I Executive Director. The confirmation of acceptability of report contents, the authorization of disbursement of payment, and evaluation of performance shall all be undertaken by these AAH-I personnel. The AAHI Executive Director may bring on other parties within AAH-I to assist in the review of the outputs, as and when deemed necessary.

8. Expected duration of the assignment
The task is expected to be completed within eight (8) weeks from the date of signing of the contract. The individual, therefore, is required to prepare and submit the entire plan in a way that allows the achievement of all deliverables within the 8-weeks period.

9. Qualifications/Experience
The successful offeror shall meet the following minimum criteria:
 Proven track record in the area of compensation and benefit analysis, preferably for international organizations.
 At least 3 years of experience undertaking salary survey for nonprofit organizations within the Eastern African region will be an asset.
 Familiarity with labor market issues.
 Ability to render consulting services in the most professional, effective and efficient manner.
 Excellent writing and presentation skills (all required reports shall be written in English).

10. Recommended presentation of proposals
The Proposal shall be presented in the following manner:
 Personal Curriculum Vitae highlighting the qualifications that meet the minimum requirements stated above, and at least three (3) references;
 Giving information on past salary surveys done in Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda.
 The Financial Proposal containing the final professional fees.

11. Payment Terms
Where an initial payment will be required by the individual consultant upon signing of the contract, only a maximum of forty percent (40%) of the contract amount shall be allowed by AAH-I. Final  payment of sixty percent (60%) will be output based and will be made upon satisfactory completion  of the assignment.

12. Confidentiality
It is expected that the selected individual will maintain the highest level of confidentiality with  regard to the information provided before, during and after the completion of the assignment.  He/she shall practice the highest standard of professional and ethical values and norms in providing  this consultancy service.

13. Additional Information
For additional information about AAH-I please visit our website on www.actionafricahelp.org.

14. Application Submission
If you fit the above profile and are interested in bidding for this assignment send in your application
to: recruitke@actionafricahelp.org so as not to reach us not later than 18th August 2013.


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