Consultancy in Assessment

VSF Germany is an international Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. In the region, VSF Germany implements activities in Southern Sudan, Northern Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia.
We Focus on Livestock, food security and Livelihoods, Naturral Resources Management, Peace and Conflict, Good governance, Disasters & Emergency, and Agriculture.

VSF Germany is implementing a 3 years Resilience building program funded by European Union whose overall goal is “to contribute towards improving food security in ASALlivelihoods through enhanced response and Resilience to drought”.  The Project is implemented in a consortium of 3 organizations (VSFG- Lead agency, CIFA & WRF) in collaboration with Key county ministries/departments such as National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD) among others.
The project title is: Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience - CAIDRR (funded under EU strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience – SHARE). The Project has the following results: (i) Local response capacities and systems for asset protection, management and preparedness action are improved (Community level, local government, DRR), (ii) Local response capacities and systems for asset protection, management and preparedness action are improved (Community level, local government, DRR) and (iii). Local response capacities and systems for asset protection, management and preparedness action are improved (Community level, local government, DRR).
The project has been designed and being implemented within the EDE Framework thus contributing to Drought Risk Management and Ending drought Emergencies Second Medium term Plan 2013-2017. In the implementation, the project focuses on the Drought impacts in Kenya, promotion of sustainable livelihoods in ASAL, Peace and Human security through conflict sensitive programming, investment on climate proof infrastructure, human capital, Gender and Social analysis, drought preparedness and response and Coordination.
Strengthening of Livestock Marketing
Livestock trade is the main source of income for pastoralists in Marsabit for all two targeted sub counties which enables the communities earns income to purchase non-livestock products and services. The value of livestock traded in the larger Marsabit is estimated at KES 2.3 billion. Live animals dominate the revenue streams and bring in approximately 94% of the revenue. The other products including milk, hides and skins and honey are minor but poultry is surprisingly high. The county’s marketing systems are weak; it experiences low investment in livestock sub sector because of harsh environment including chronic drought, insecurity, poor infrastructure, lack of credit facilities etc.
The pastoralist community has inadequate entrepreneurial skills: (i) low levels of literacy; (ii) traditional/cultural beliefs that resist entrepreneurship notions, (iii) and limited exposure to new concepts and livestock marketing. . Government officials of all two sub-counties stressed that livestock marketing is major gap, both the Deputy County Commissioner and Sub-county administrator of Laisamis emphases that “pastoralists only sale their animals to meet basic needs and not for profit, they are attached to their livestock and lack to see financial assets they represent”, all stakeholders encouraged VSF-G to address it. Marketing of livestock and livestock products is critical to increasing productivity and commercialization enterprise to be perceived as a business.
Experience has shown that empowering pastoralist communities to form groups and linking these groups to markets leads to increase in local off-take of livestock. Pastoralist groups can manage livestock trade business provided they are supported with training on business management and capital.
Specific activities under strengthening of Livestock Marketing focusing on providing support up to four (4) livestock marketing associations to self-organize and engage in livestock marketing activities and link to the PFS. These will include
Capacity building of pastoralist cooperatives/CBO in: (i) improved management and marketing of livestock breeds (offloading livestock at better prices; transform the incentive to sale from financial needs to profit-making opportunities); (ii) livestock drugs trade and (iii) marketing of hides and skins; group’s governance, basic numeracy and financial management; (iv) linkage with banking and loaning institutions.
DCO - Training of Livestock Traders Associations (LTA) on formation- constitution, policy, governance, registration and operation, service accessibility to dry season grazing.
SCLPO training on Livestock marketing of two LTAs in each of two sub-counties.
Selection criteria of the LTAs include established and active presence; transparency with members’ benefits-core value; equitable representation of all socio-economic categories including most vulnerable.
The LTA will be linked to existing livestock market systems supported by the county government for support such as subsidy on transport for accelerated off take.
Lobbying and awareness of Traders to move to livestock grazing field during the end of raining season to promote services proximity.
Provision of conditional cash to LTA to facilitate livestock destocking per lorry per association at the beginning of drought when livestock are at their best health conditions.
Livestock marketing, sensitization and information dissemination at community level through focal livestock persons and CDRs who reach dry season grazing areas.This will strengthen linkages between livestock traders in urban centres with producers in remote areas
Purpose of the Assignment
Assess the current status of LMAs in Ol-Turot, Kargi, Kor and Marsabit ( focus on group composition, institutional framework/legitimacy, ongoing activities, cross cutting issues)
Assess the MoALFD strategic plans as regards strengthen livestock marketing and provide suggestions and recommendation aligned with Marsabit county plan and agriculture sector development strategy for SHARE/ CAIDRR project
Assess LMA capacity gaps and recommend areas for trainings
Assessment opportunities for synergy in livestock marketing ( identifying other partners in supporting Livestock Marketing) and existing opportunities for market linkages
Scope of work
The assessment will be conducted in Marsabit central sub-county and Laisamis sub-county and focus on Ol-Turot, Kargi, Kor and Marsabit. Specific groups targeted during this assessment include LMAs, county and National government administrators, MoALFD relevant staffs, Marsabit county Livestock Marketing committee, NGOs implementing activities related to Livestock sector among other private partners in the county.
Qualifications, Skills and experience
Background: Livestock, Agriculture, social science or other related.
At least three years’ practical experience of working in similar projects in the development or humanitarian interventions.
Analytical and planning skills, with an ability to translate analysis into recommendations for practical action.
Good communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work well within a team with minimum supervision.
Diplomacy and tact, to be able to liaise, negotiate and plan with government officials, other agency staff, private businesses and community representatives.
Good oral and written reporting skills are essential.
Ability to work in remote rural locations and travel extensively within project areas.

Experience of Working with INGO while doing similar work.  
Field assessment report (1 soft copy and 3 Hard copy) with the following Annexes
List of LMA/LTA members/ target area ( Kor, Kargi, OlTurot and Marsabit)
Name and contacts and designation of People Interviewed
Draft MoU for Engaging with LTAs on management of conditional grants
Working environment:
Within Marsabit County (Laisamis and Marsabit central Sub-county)
Travel required to activity Locations: 100% field based
Time schedule: 17 days.
Below is the proposed time schedule and any changes should be mutually agreed between the contracting authority and consultant. However, any adjustments should ensure that the work is completed within the stipulated period of time as provided for in the ToR.
Briefing, acquisition and review of the project documents and any secondary data in the office – (4 days in Marsabit, include assessment tools and field work plan preparation);
Meetings with KIP – 5 days in Marsabit
Meetings/ Focussed group discussions with LMAs – 4 days
Data analysis and reporting– 4 day;
Assistance  to the consultant by the contracting authority.
VSF Germany will make available the following information and facilities to the Consultant:
Share any relevant reports, documents, maps, and project design;
Allow use of office space in Marsabit as necessary;
Arrange for various meetings in the field with stakeholders (Consultant to make advance request);
Provide staff to show the consultant the target location and assist in community liaison and translation.
Provide accommodation and meals
What the consultant will provide:
Own staff to assist in the works.

Desktop review at VSFG Marsabit office, County Livestock department, Agriculture sector development Programme office and Laisamis Sub-county administrators office, Ol-Turot Location office
Key informant interviews with county Authorities ( CEC, MoALFD, CO- Livestock, Director of Livestock Production, Marsabit county Livestock Marketing council, CAIDRR project Staffs, ADS being the organization that established the Market and Ol-Turot Area Chief
Focused discussion with Ol-Turot Livestock Marketing association and Ol-Turot community Managed Disaster Risk reduction. Further meetings with Korr, Kargi and Marsabit central LTAs essential

All the out puts e.g. baseline reports, database, etc produced by this assignment will be treated as the VSF Germany’s property. So the above mentioned outputs or any part of it cannot be sold, used or reproduced in any manner by the assigned consultant/team without prior permission from AAB.
How to apply

Consultants are invited to submit proposals, comprising a technical and financial proposal, a clear methodology, assessment tools, work plan and CVs for the suggested work team. Deadline for submission of proposals is 30th April 2015. These should be submitted over email to the following email address:


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