Consultant for Legal Reforms for REDD+ in Kenya

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Issued on: 16 April 2015
Deadline For Application: 29 April 2015
POSITION TITLE: Consultant for Legal Reforms for REDD+ in Kenya
CONTRACT TYPE: Personal Service Agreement(PSA)
ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: FAO Representation Office in Kenya
DURATION: 4 months(70 days WAE)1

In 2013 the Office of the National REDD+ Coordination under the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife requested support to the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) in order “to develop a comprehensive gap analysis of the forest related legal framework relevant to REDD+” with the technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), one of three the UN-REDD implementing agencies. Following this analysis, the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife of Kenya requested support to the UN-REDD program in order to integrate REDD+ provisions in key legislations under development and review. This project was launched through an Inception Workshop on February 17, 2015. This project aims to integrate REDD+ provisions in Kenya’s key legislations being developed or under reform processes and to make operational the recommendations formulated in the course of the 2013 targeted support project on legal preparedness.

Under the direct supervision of the FAO Legal Expert REDD+ in FAO’s Rome Headquarters and in collaboration with the REDD+ Coordination office, the REDD+ Focal Point, and other stakeholders, the main objective of this consultancy will be to draft REDD+ provisions to be integrated in relevant legal texts under review or under development including the Community Land Bill, the Forest Bill, the Climate Change Bill, the Climate change policy, the Benefit Sharing Bill and the National Forest Program, as selected during the inception workshop. The Consultant is responsible to lead a participatory process of consultations to develop and refine the draft provisions, build consensus around the proposed legal reforms,  and leverage political will to push forward changes in legislation

 The analysis of the Community Land Bill, the Forest Bill, the Climate Change Bill, the Climate change policy, the Benefit Sharing Bill and the National Forest Program from a REDD+ perspective. The analysis will identify the gaps, overlaps and provisions that could undermine or promote REDD+ and propose legal provisions to address them.
 The drafting of legal provisions for each of the above mentioned bills and policies based on feedback received from key stakeholders through two peer review meetings (NB: Logistical support for the meetings will be provided by the FAO-Kenya office).
 The dissemination of the results of the project through a final workshop and a final report summarizing the analysis of the above mentioned legal instruments and the drafted provisions proposed and agreed upon with stakeholders including lessons learned and recommendations. (NB: Logistical support for the workshop will be provided by the FAO-Kenya office). Throughout the consultancy period, the Consultant will report to the FAO REDD+ Legal Expert who will review and approve the analytical work and drafted provisions.

Candidates should meet the following:
 Master’s degree in natural resources management, forestry, policy and administration or other relevant subject
 At least five years of relevant experience in forestry, land and or REDD+ in the Kenyan context.

Candidates will be assessed against the following:
 Ability to perform multiple tasks and work under pressure with a wide range of individuals and institutions
 Strong knowledge of the legal and regulatory frameworks of the forestry and land-use sectors in Kenya.
 Excellent insights into the functioning of the existing administration and into the institutional context around land use in Kenya.
 Good knowledge on the functioning of the government in general and land use, climate change policy and programmes in particular.
 Demonstrated competency in facilitating multi-stakeholder processes and stakeholder analyses.
 Strong network in the ministries related to land use and its management, to national development planning, environment and climate change in particular.

Candidates are requested to submit a covering letter expressing their interest and suitability for the role quoting the position title and vacancy announcement number VA-005-2015 along with their current Curriculum Vitae and FAO Personal Profile Form (PPF) available at
E-mail is the preferred means of receipt and your application should be sent to:

FAO Representative in Kenya
United Nations Office at Nairobi
P.O. Box 30470-00100


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