Terms of Reference for Conducting Baseline Survey

VSF Germany is an international Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. In the region, VSF Germany implements activities in Southern Sudan, Northern Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia.
We Focus on Livestock, food security and Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management, Peace and Conflict, Good governance, Disasters & Emergency, and Agriculture
Briefly about Marsabit Project
VSF Germany has been awarded a 36 Months (1st October 2014- September 30th, 2017) project from the European Union’s (EU) Strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience Programme – SHARE Kenya.
The title of the project is Community Action for Improved Drought Response Resilience (CAIDRR) and Covers Marsabit central and Laisamis Sub-counties respectively. The overall objective of the programme is ‘to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and resilience to drought’. The action is being implemented through a consortium of three NGOs (Community Initiatives Facilitation and Assistance-CIFA; Water Right Foundation-WRF and VSF Germany – being Lead agency).
The overall coordination of the project at the county level is conducted by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Marsabit and with technical guidance of NDMA HQ in Nairobi. In addition, the project will collaborate closely with County Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD), Ministry of Water and natural resources among other partners to ensure the success and attainment of its objective.
Expected results
Result 1: Capacities and systems for local preparedness, response to asset protection and management actions are improved.
Result 2: Access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets are improved.
Result 3: Communities contribute to knowledge exchange and policy influence
VSF Germany is therefore looking for a consultant (individual/Agency) to conduct baseline survey in the project locations/beneficiaries in Marsabit Central and Laisamis Sub-counties The consultant will work closely with project officers while conducting the study to specific activities under Result 1, Result 2 and Result 3 frequently reports the progress to the project Manager.
Who is it for and how will they use the results
The baseline information is primarily aimed at CAIDRR consortium partners/stakeholders who will use it for tracking and measuring progress over time as a result of the interventions. It will also help VSF Germany and CAIDRR partners to align implementation processes to bring about those changes which in turn would help improve project quality and guide future directions at both partner and consortium lead level.
Purpose of the task
The main purpose is to clearly identify, articulate, and document the existing situation of the people and communities the project targets to work with from the onset of the project. The products of the assessment will provide the benchmarks on which any changes resulting from the interventions and achievements could be measured. The outcome will also inform any modifications that may be made in the course of project implementation in order to realize optimum achievements of results.
Specific objective of Tasks are as follows:
Assess the current situation of the project areas, in terms of livelihoods, socio-political and economic conditions, standard poverty indices, power relations, information on minority groups and any form of social exclusion, social/cultural practices, emergency and disaster situation, policies, local governance issues etc.
Identify systematic and overall situation on conditions and positions of people living in relation to their preparedness for drought response and resilience
Assess the capacity of local implementing partner CBOs (CDMCs, Self-help Groups, women groups and CAIDRR partners) on drought response and resilience
Map out similar/relevant initiatives of implemented by other actors working in the area with focus on Policies, Practices and actions and mechanisms of coordination
Methodology and Process
In the assessment, VSF Germany expects the consultant will employ both quantitative and qualitative methods for collection of data/information. The consultant/agency is expected to use Participatory Tools and Techniques for data collection, which may include but not be limited to In-depth interview, Key informant interview, Focus group discussion etc.
Comprehensive desk review of all relevant documents i.e. reviews related literature, Project proposal, reports and related Government Policy documents as deemed necessary. Also need to review Partners country strategies.
The consulting firm/bidder will interact with both CAIDRR staff and partners and others stakeholders on a sample basis.
The consulting firm/bidder will have to fully engage project primary stakeholders (i.e. Pastoralists drop-outs, customary authorities, County government employees, traders, CBOs, etc) who play the most significant role in CAIDRR project implementation.
The baseline information will be collected from two sub-counties (Laisamis and Marsabit Central). The total population of this survey will be determined by the consultant as a sample of 15,000 target beneficiaries who are Pastoralist drop-outs, customary authorities, and County government employees, traders, CBOs and their communities. The sample will need to be stratified by sex, age, and categories of exclusion, such as, ethnicity, ability, occupation, HIV status, and geographical remoteness. It is envisaged the sample size for quantitative survey should be not less than 800. For qualitative survey the participants should be community people, civil society, policy actors of different departments, different government service providing organizations at local and national level, NGOs, etc.
Indicative Time frame
The duration of the assignment is 25 working days, which could also be discussed between both parties. It is expected that the whole task should be finished within three weeks from the starting date.
Reporting and Presentation /Outputs expected
Output 1: The consulting firm/bidder will submit a summary of preliminary report of the baseline survey in both electronic version one ONE (1) week after the field work.The document should be very precise and address each specific objective. The preliminary report should include: Executive summary (1-2);Methodology; Limitations of the assignment; and Way forward for the assessment.
The aim of the preliminary report is to give a picture of the situation on the ground which may require modification in the planned itinerary of the consultant for effective capture of data and information.
The consulting firm/bidder will submit the following
1.   Share questionnaires before finalizing the questionnaire
2. Inception report on the execution of the   assignment within ONE (1) week of commencement of the consultancy.
Output 2: The consulting firm/bidder will make a draft report and have Power-Point presentation of the findings of the whole study to Consortium partners after 15 days of the assignment for feedback before finalizing the report.
The draft and /or final report should comprise of, but not limited to:
Executive summary (2-3 pages)
Rational of the assessment
Limitations/challenges of the methodology
Output 3: The consultant will produce a systematic baseline database and deliver with final report.
Key contacts and report:
Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability (MEA) unit under VSF Germany’s Regional Programme/ Country Programme Manager will be the contact point. The consultant should report to the Country Programmes Manager. At the Field level, the consulting firm/bidder will work closely under supervision of the CAIDRR project Manager.
Mode of payment: The payment will be done according to the following time frame/arrangement:
Time line
1st installment
40 % of the total amount
After submission of a draft report
2nd installment
60% of the total amount
After satisfactory completion of the task and acceptance of final report.
The payments will be made in A/C payee cheques/ or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant/firm. VSF Germany will deduct income tax at source as per the rules of GoK and it will be deposited to treasury of GoK. Besides no other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF Germany.
Copyright and ownership of data: Copy right of all information, findings and the final version lie with
General considerations
Required logistics support will be provided by VSF Germany as prescribed in the contract.
All documents prepared during the assignment will be property of VSF Germany.
Assignment will not be sub-contracted to a third party by the consultant.
In the event that, additional time is required to complete the assignment, over and above that previously agreed to, without changing  the scope  of  work, then  it has  to be agreed by VSF Germany in writing.
In case of any change made, in the scope of work by VSF Germany because of an  increase or decrease in the cost or time required for performance or any part of the work under the contract, equitable adjustment in the contract price, delivery schedule, or both will be amended in writing.
Confidentiality of all the assignment will be assured at all times.
Expiry of agreement and negotiable flexibility
Considering the initiative as proactive and responsive, activities can be amended and elaborated based on the properly documented negotiation between the two parties.
The Agreement will be invalidated after expiry of duration of the contract unless an extension is made by VSF Germany.
The work schedule may be staggered due to compelling reasons which both parties must assent to,in which case the number of working days will remain the same but actual work done on dates/days different from those indicated in the work plan. Such flexibility will not give rise to additional cost of the assignment on the side of VSFG.
VSF Germany also reserves the right to amend or change or cancel the Agreement at any time if there are compelling reasons to do so.
Preparation of the Proposal
The consulting firm/bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the proposal. The consultant shall submit two (2) copies of technical and two (2) copies of financial proposal in a single envelope.  The technical and financial proposals should be marked properly and should include the name and detailed contact address of the consultant /firm.
1.   Validation of the Proposal
All cost should be quoted in USD and will remain valid up to fifty days (50) from the day of proposal submission.
2.   Withdrawal/Termination
This agreement shall be effective between dates mentioned in agreement, unless otherwise earlier terminated or extended based on agreed compelling reasons.
VSF Germany may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on occurrence of any irregularities, anomalies relating to non-compliance by the consultant with any terms and conditions as agreed upon in the contract of service.
In the event of a Force majour (major natural disaster, war or major civil or political unrest) this agreement will automatically come to an end. In this case the consultant will only be paid for the work done up to the date of stoppage and will not make any claim for remaining period of the assignment.
3.   Outline of the Technical Proposal
It is mandatory that the proposal should maintain the following format:
Title of the survey
Understanding of the Task
Technical aspect of the proposal
Methodology (sampling design and strategy, data collection methods, Data Processing & Analysis, Data quality control measures)
Operational plan
Proposed team with names and curriculum vitae
Submitted by: (with contact details)
Detailed CV’s of the team members should be included in the annexure of the technical proposal.
4.   Outline of the Financial Proposal
The budget of the task should be broken down in details as like the following format:
Consultancy fees
Questionnaire development cost
Data collection cost
Communication and transportation cost
Data processing & analyzing cost
Reporting cost
Miscellaneous (stationeries, printing, etc)
All the pages of the financial proposal should be signed by the respective person of the firm/bidder.
For firms, the company profile must be submitted with technical proposal.
NB: The costs of long meetings such as focus group discussions will be borne by the VSF Germany partners directly (venue, food if required, etc).
5.   Competence Required:
Qualification and Experiences
At least a Degree qualification in any of the following areas Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Social Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Disaster Management or any other relevant degree from recognized institutions.
Must have minimum of  5 years of  overall experience conducting baseline assessment for livelihoods and resilience building initiatives.
Demonstrated experience of working in donor funded projects under public sector and /or NGOs.
Must demonstrate a minimum of 3 years’ experience of conducting baseline surveys in the Greater Horn of Africa particularly in pastoral areas.
Must have good understanding on livestock, livelihoods, and DRR programmes.
Experience in Northern Kenya is a plus.
Knowledge and skills.
Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills.
Excellent technical knowledge on Food security and Resilience issues in Northern Kenya
Should have knowledge and experience in gender and womens rights issues.
Mastery of written and spoken English and Kiswahili.
Note: The Consultant must submit the necessary documentation to substantiate above eligibility criteria. Applicants who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria shall not be considered.
6. Confidentiality:
All the outputs - baseline reports, data base, etc produced by this assignment will not be disseminated in part or whole without express authority from VSF-Germany. Thus the consultant shall not produce in these materials in any form (electronic, hard copies, etc) to a third party without a written permission from VSF Germany.
How to apply
Interested consultant/firms are requested to read and strictly follow the detailed Terms of Reference and submit both technical and financial proposals not later than May 15th, 2015. The proposals should be placed in a sealed envelope marked: ‘SHARE PROJECT-BASELINE SURVEY_FED_2014_349-712’’ and addressed to the Head of HR and Admin, VSF Germany. P. O. Box 25653-00603, Nairobi Kenya.
It can also be sent through e-mail to: admin_hr@vsfg.org  Copied to: sabara@vsfg.org


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