Results Director, FP 2020: Monitoring and Accountability

The international HIV/AIDS Alliance  is seeking to employ a suitable person for the Results Director, FP 2020: Monitoring and Accountability to be based in Nairobi. KANCO is a linking organization to The international HIV/AIDS Alliance.

The Results Director for the DFID-funded programme, Family Planning 2020: Monitoring and Accountability at the National and Local Level. This 10-country, 5 year programme will ensure that governments and family planning service providers are held to account by their citizens to deliver the family planning commitments made under FP2020, and ensure full, free, and informed family planning choices for everyone. The Results Director will be responsible for managing the FP2020 programme results framework, adapting the Alliance’s management information system to the programme, and overseeing ongoing programme monitoring of outputs and outcomes in all ten programme countries.

All applicants must have existing eligibility to live and work in Kenya.

How to apply:

For full details of this post, including the full job description and person specification, and to download an application form, please follow this link to our website. 
Application deadline:   Sunday 19 April at midnight (UK time)
Interviews expected:    Week commencing 20 April 2015

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance is committed to equal opportunities and welcomes applications from appropriately qualified people from all sections of the community. Qualified people living with HIV are particularly encouraged to apply.



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