Call for Consultancy to Conduct a Baseline Survey for the "Improving Maternal and Child Health among IDPs in Somaliland" Project

Reference Number: IMP-02-CN-0964

Health Poverty Action works with some of the poorest and most marginalised communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America, often in very difficult environments.  We work to enable these communities to achieve improvements to their health, promoting this as one of their fundamental human rights.

With support from Department for International Development (DFID), HPA is implementing a 3 year project (2013-2015) titled "Improving MCH among IDPs in Maroodi Jeex, Somaliland". The project will be implemented in close partnership with Somaliland Ministry of Health.  

The project aims to improve maternal and child health (MCH) status in Somaliland contributing to MDG 4 and 5. The project will support maternity work in Hargeisa Group hospital, 11 health facilities and add a child and newborn care component to complement existing work in Marroodi Jeex region where the majority of internally displaced people/returnees are settled.

The objectives of the baseline survey include, 1) To determine the current levels of knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members in Maroodi Jeex, in Somaliland, in the areas of maternal and child health (MCH) including immunization, maternal health emergencies, SRH, Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs), HIV/AIDS, TB  and other STIs, 2) To collect data relating to the indicators in the project log frame, that will be used to monitor the project, and 3) To determine the status of indicators relevant to the target health facilities, located in Maroodi Jeex, in Somaliland.

Qualified consultants/firms are invited to download the detailed ToR from for the task and submit technical and financial proposals to

Please indicate the reference number of the Call for Consultancy IMP-02-CN-0964 in the e-mail subject line

The deadline for submission of technical and financial proposals is on 18th April 2013.


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