Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant

Position: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant
Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya
Duration of the Initial Contract: 6 months, with a possible extension
Application Deadline: Friday, 19th April, 2013
Expected Starting Date: As soon as possible
Ref: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant - JP GEWE
Time: Part-time, 50 days.

Brief Programme Description:
The GoK - UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (JP GEWE) was initiated by the UN Country Team (UNCT) in 2009. The global aid effectiveness agenda and the UN reform process of “Delivering as One” led to the decision to establish four key pilot joint programmes for UN agencies to combine their strengths and resources, and improve support to national development goals in Kenya. JP GEWE represents an important landmark in enhancing the UN’s coherence and cohesiveness in Kenya in the field of gender equality and women’s empowerment. It brings together 14 UN agencies under one programmatic framework, underscores the UN‘s commitment to Delivering as One and provides a strong platform to serve the needs of Kenya in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The JP GEWE addresses five interrelated priority areas each lead by a UN agency based on its mandate and comparative advantage. The priority areas are gender mainstreaming; gender-based violence; gender and governance; economic empowerment and UN coordination and Delivering as One.

UN Women under the auspices of the UN Joint Programme on Gender and Women’s Empowerment (JP GEWE) is procuring the services of a senior Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant to undertake the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation framework of the JP GEWE, including timely and results-based reporting to the UNCT, donors and national counterparts.

The Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant will work within the JP GEWE Secretariat, hosted at the UN Women. In addition to the M&E Consultant, JP GEWE Secretariat includes a Programme Expert andCommunication & Information Management Analyst. The role will entail close collaboration with UN agencies and national partners.

Specific tasks for the assignment are to:
 To undertake effective, results-based monitoring and evaluation of the JP GEWE to ensure adequate monitoring, evaluation and quality reporting is provided to stakeholders as per relevant agreements.
 To undertake financial planning and monitoring expenditures in compliance with Results-Based Management principles.
 To ensure that the UN system has useful, valid and reliable information on the performance of JP GEWE including its relevance efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability, its coverage, coordination and coherence.
 To contribute to the effective monitoring of national priorities in the area of GEWE through close collaboration with national partners, including but not limited to the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, National Gender and Equality Commission, Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 and Ministry of Finance.
 Support the institutionalization of the M&E system for the JP GEWE within the work of Participating UN Organizations (PUNOs).
 Support the preparation and conduct of the final evaluation of the JP GEWE.
 Liaise with the Programme Working Group members and Output leads regarding their results-based bi-annual and annual reporting and consolidate the information in reader-friendly reports in a timely manner.
 Work with national stakeholders to ensure timely monitoring and collection of data using available tools.
 Identify bottlenecks and suggest alternatives to the Programme implementation and development of the next phase of the Programme.
 Support the JP GEWE Programme Working Group (PWG) and Output team meetings, Mid-year review and Annual Retreat and other meetings.
 Represent JP GEWE in the UN M&E Working Group.
 Undertake additional tasks as may be assigned to the Consultant

 Bi-annual and annual reports from PUNOs containing current data from national partners
 Mid-year Review and Annual Retreat Reports
 Draft TORs for JP GEWE final evaluation completed
 Contracting of JP GEWE final evaluation team completed
 Final report detailing assignment
 Minutes of PWG meetings

Education and Competencies
A Master’s degree or higher level degree preferably in Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Alternatively, Master’s degree in any of the following: gender, international relations, human rights,development, with a course in planning/monitoring and evaluation. If a Master’s degree is missing, at least 7 years of relevant work experience in monitoring and evaluation.
1. A minimum of five years of progressive experience in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation plans and reporting for international development programmes.
2. A minimum of five years of progressive experience in development planning.
3. Proven M&E experience, preferably within one or more of the partner UN entities, with sound knowledge and experience in all aspects of programme cycle (designing, planning, implementation, monitoring, review and evaluation).
4. Experience of providing advisory services in the area of results- based management, quantitative and qualitative monitoring and evaluation methods and analysis including the use of results matrixes, baselines and logframes.
5. Excellent demonstrated ability to coordinate inter-agency and multi-stakeholder monitoring and evaluation initiatives.
6. Demonstrable experience of budget tracking and ability to analyze spending against programme progress.
7. Constructive attitude and ability to approach work with positive energy.
8. Ability to meet deadlines and deliver under constraints.
9. Demonstrated strong oral and written communication ability.
10. Advanced user level computer skills and strong knowledge of various software including Excel, PowerPoint and Word.
11. Good understanding of human rights based approach.
12. Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.

Application procedure:
Interested candidates are requested to apply by sending their application to the following email address: with the subject heading: Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant JP GEWE

Included with the application should be:

 CV and P11 form
 Expected daily rate
 A one page account of relevant past work
 2 work samples

Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date (19th April 2013) will not be given consideration. Please note that only applicants who are short-listed will contacted.


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