

Period of performance: April- May 2013

Number of days: 15-20 days

Technical Team: RATN


In recent years, the size and number of local civil society organisations (CSOs) delivering community health services in Kenya has grown rapidly. Similarly, the willingness of the Government of Kenya and development agencies to partner with CSOs has increased exponentially. Yet, the capacity of the CSOs to effectively implement large-scale community interventions has remained low. Only a handful of Kenyan organisations are counted among the top 25 that are capable of absorbing sufficient funds to implement a large-scale health programme in Kenya. Consequently, the bulk of large-scale health interventions are implemented by international nongovernmental organisations.

The FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening Project, a five-year cooperative agreement funded by USAID/Kenya, aims to build the capacity of Kenyan CSOs to sustainably deliver large-scale community health programmes through technical assistance, mentored grants and stakeholder engagement. FANIKISHA is implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Pact Inc., Danya International, and Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN).

FANIKISHA strengthens the institutional capacity of national level CSOs through mentored grants, technical assistance and stakeholder engagement. Some of the major activities the project has conducted thus far include two cycles of CSO selection and organisational capacity assessments (OCA), two cycles of Institutional Strengthening Marketplace vendor selection, one face-to-face Institutional Strengthening Marketplace, development and launch Kenya CSO Portal for Health, and provision of technical assistance to its partner-CSOs in ten capacity areas using mixed approaches.


Fanikisha is seeking services of a consultant specializing in developing and producing documentaries and videography to develop a documentary that captures all the various stages of Fanikisha from the beginning of the current phase, and more specifically;

 Working with a documentary team, the consultant - videographer will:

. Interview key project stakeholders and develop video content to share activities, successes and lessons learned in the FANIKISHA project to date, with a particular focus on institutional strengthening and technical approaches (Marketplace, OCA, CSO Portal, and IS Standards), and work with local partners.
. Documenting relevant video production proposals with precise spots, themes, documentary outline and other video needs analysis of Fanikisha in accordance to the policies and guidelines of Fanikisha.
. Conducting relevant video component interviews as per the guideline of Fanikisha.
. Carrying out video shooting and supply of the equipment in support of the same or activities that arise from the same.
. Carrying out scripting for any videos shot or acquired by the organization from whichever source in conformance with the policies provided and laws of Kenya, all of which have to be approved by the management of Fanikisha.
. Capturing and edit any videos and/or audios as shot from the field or provided by Fanikisha from whichever assignment/s as demanded by Fanikisha’s communication outputs.
. Packaging the final product/s of video/audio to suit audience/s of Fanikisha.
. Supporting Fanikisha in translation of audio/s not readily in English for ease of sharing especially those from
. Providing reports and/or notes with regards to the videos/ audios produced or sought
The consultant - videographer will work with a documentary team to capture the FANIKISHA project’s milestones, successes and processes thus far to produce two video segments that will be both for internal and external sharing and will focus on processes and achievements.


The following types of outputs will be expected:

a) Before implementation:
. A briefing note highlighting any areas/ themes of concern that needs to be given attention as regards
video shooting and documentary preparation
. Spots for video shooting and photography as regards Fanikisha assignment implementation
. Methodology for the assignment

b) After the assignment:
. Script for the video and/or audio.
. Report on the whole process detailing implications of the entire consultancy-results- to the assignment in
the long run.
. One 10-15 minute video of the project’s processes, achievements and lessons learned thus far, with the
input of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders, focused specifically on the institutional strengthening
and technical approaches (Marketplace, OCA, CSO Portal, and IS Standards);
. Short instructional video clips on the project’s institutional strengthening and technical approaches that
can be uploaded onto an online portal (these clips can be extracted from the material collected for the
longer 10-minute video).
. Strong case studies to be used to inform the assignment


Fanikisha shall:

. Meet expenses related to the assignment, such as transport and meeting expenses.
. Offer administrative and logistic support


The consultant shall be engaged for a period of 15-20 days


The consultant should be specialised in filming, videography and documentary production.

. Candidates for this consultancy will have demonstrated experience in developing videos for NGOs and/or
. Candidates should be able to demonstrate this experience with examples of completed storyboards and videos
. Candidates for this consultancy should have specialized technical training in AV production and editing
. Candidates for this consultancy should have at least 5 years of work experience in AV and graphics
. Candidates must have artistic skills in visual communication and knowledge of non-linear video editing
techniques using computer software (in particular the AVID system).


Applicants should submit a brief proposal including a time frame and a provisional budget via email to

The proposal should include:

. The applicants/s Curriculum Vitae including details on how they meet the specifications of the consultancy
. A detailed proposal addressing:
- The proposed methodology
- The proposed work plan
- The proposed budget
- The proposed timeframe
- Proven experience and contactable references from credible past NGO videography strengthening work.

The closing date for applications is 24th April 2013 and applications must be received on or before this date.

Applicants must provide reliable telephone/ mobile contacts. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted directly.


Fanikisha is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Fanikisha considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability.

Fanikisha does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process.


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