Food Security/Livelihood/DRR Program Manager

Country and Base Assignment: Kenya – Based in North Horr, Marsabit County
Duration: 1 year(with extension possibility)
Start Date: 1st November 2013

The FS/Livelihood/DRR Program Manager is a key person who will be responsible for managing the whole Food Security (FS), Livelihood and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) component of the DFID-funded “Improving the drought resilience of  populations in Northern Kenya” project in North Horr.
S/he manages his/her team to achieve the humanitarian objectives as defined per the proposal and according to SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL principles.

ORG CHART POSITION (reporting and functional relationships)
Line manager: Field Coordinator
Line report: 1 Program Manager assistant and 5 Supervisors
Technical links: Food Security and Livelihoods Coordinator Kenya/Somalia

Note: this list gives the framework of the activities but it is not exhaustive. You may be asked to complete other duties.
Strong capacity building of local staff is necessary to be able to implement the proposed activities.

Program realization
 To assess the political, social and security context in the region, identify the key trends
 To be responsible for implementing the FS/Livelihood/DRR program in accordance with SI and donor guidelines and standards
 To be responsible of the coherence of the program with regards to the population needs and logical framework proposed
 Contribute to a program strategy adapted to the organisation strategy and the context
 To plan activities and initiate procurements in time, according to the objectives of the program
 To ensure adherence to the budgets with objectives and activities settled jointly with the financial staff in the field and at Nairobi level
 To liaise/network with other actors (NGOs, CBOs and local authorities) in the area on issues relating to activities within  the program
 To attend internal and external meetings

 To recruit and train the staff under his/her direct responsibility (FS/Livelihood/DRR Supervisors)
 Recruitment will be organized under the supervision of the Field Coordinator
 To prepare job descriptions of the team under his responsibility
 To evaluate skills and performances of the staff under his/her responsibility, every 6 months
 To organize with his team a detailed planning of activities
 To motivate and manage the team
 To build the capacity of staff under him/her to realise their program related objectives
 To organize the collection of information with his/her team (baseline, KAP surveys, case studies, weekly reports, quarterly reports)

Program quality
 To implement the proposed FS, Livelihood and DRR activities
 To be responsible of the progress and the quality of the work
 To undertake an initial assessment (baseline) of the proposed activities, and on-going and periodic assessments, taking account for quality and relevance of the program vis-à-vis community needs
 To propose alternative or more appropriate and cost effective activities relevant to the area, if relevant
 To control the evolution of the program (progress indicator, relevance and efficiency) and to adjust activities and processes
 To ensure periodic assessments of the program and to adjust if necessary to the needs in collaboration with the Field

Coordinator and Food Security/Livelihoods Coordinator
 To contribute to the capitalisation of tools and reports
 Where necessary, conduct scoping missions for other potential interventions in the area

Program activities
Note: This list may evolve during the course of the project
 Pastoralist Field School (PFS) trainings, including introduction of improved breed animals, distribution of milking cans, market analysis and livestock insurance
 Creation or revision of community disaster risk reduction contingency and action plans using the CMDRR approach
 Promotion of natural resource management (conservation areas, prosopis management and transformation)
 Support to income generating activities (fodder production, multi-nutrient urea licking blocks)
 Fisheries value chain improvement
 Training/capacity building

Logistic / Administration
 To define the chronogram of purchase concerning the whole program
 To prepare purchase requests for his/her field (tools and materials) in liaison with the Logistics and Administrator officers, concerning program activities
 To schedule weekly movement and transport needs
 To validate access to working places in the intervention area in terms of security, for his/her staff and him/herself, in  liaison with the Field Coordinator
 To validate movements in and out of stocks, concerning program activities
 To follow the program budget lines and update the operational follow up (OPEFU), prepare program budget forecasts  and ensure budgets match expenses
 To set and follow up needs in terms of cash flow forecast for the program

Evaluation / reporting
 Report on the program according to donor requirements
 Report on weekly basis to the Field Coordinator
 Make sure indicators as specified in the logical framework are used according to the sources specified
 Ensure appropriate M&E activities are carried out regularly by program staff
 Participate to needs assessments
 Propose new activities according to need assessments for the area covered
 Participate in the surveillance of the food security situation in the area by regularly participating in assessments,  observation and analysis and assist in the development of monitoring tools
 Evaluate success of project and its impact during and at the end of all the activities

 Bachelor’s Degree in agriculture, veterinary science, agro-economics, international development or other technical field relevant to Food Security/Livelihoods

 Minimum 3 years of experience in Food Security/Livelihoods project management in a similar position
 Minimum 4 years of experience within an NGO or similar agency
 Minimum 2 years of experience in Disaster Risk Reduction and resilience building programming
 Sound knowledge of natural resource management and livestock keeping in the ASAL areas of Kenya
 Experience in agro-pastoral and pastoral livelihood contexts and programming
 Experience of working in the ASALs preferred
 Experience in fishing programming would be an advantage Proven experience in project cycle management in the NGO context
 Proven experience of working directly with communities and developing community driven projects
 Proven experience in team management and planning

Person Specification:
 Understanding and interest in emergency humanitarian situations
 Knowledge and understanding of the humanitarian actors
 Strong organizational and analytical skills
 Team leader and coordination ability
 Ability to propose and put into action new ideas
 Ability to negotiate with a wide range of stakeholders
 Excellent communication skills and writing capacity
 Strong interpersonal and community mobilization skills
 Calm and diplomatic
 Strong working capacity
 Ability to work in a multicultural team
 Good knowledge of the project management cycle and methodology
 Ability to understand and prioritize the perspective of beneficiary communities during the planning and
implementation of project activities
 Ability to work well under pressure in an isolated environment
 Good stress management skills
 Adaptability to security rules and behavior guidelines

 Fluency in English, Kiswahili and languages of northern Kenya region is an asset

IT Skills:
 Excellent Computer skills (Word, Excel, Outlook)
 Knowledge of SPSS and similar statistical packages would be an advantage

How to apply:
Send a cover letter and CV to the following email address: Please indicate the  job title and location in the email subject line clearly.
Deadline for applications: 29th September 2013.
Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interviews.


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