Human Resources Officer

Job Description
Job Title: Human Resources Officer
Reporting to: Managing Director
Department: Human Resources
Location: Nairobi

Job Purpose: Responsible for formulation and implementation of HR policies and procedures and ensure efficient utilization of Human Capital through set strategies.

Key Responsibilities
1. Preparation of Human Resources systems, policies and procedures, code of conduct/ ethics that meet the needs and specific requirements of the company and codify them into a handbook.
2. Identify and implement visible career paths, fast track company development and put in place visible succession plans.
3. Review and develop achievable organizational chart for the company while ensuring role clarity by reviewing job descriptions and job grades periodically.
4. Ensure that all HR strategic plans and budgets are ready on time for management and Board of Directors approval.
5. To evaluate placement needs, coordinate/ carry out recruitment and selection process and ensure that the right caliber of staff is selected.
6. Develop internal processes that meet specific standards in:-
a. Recruitment:- To make sure that the process is able to avail manpower whenever required cost effectively and timely
b. Discipline:- To monitor and ensure that discipline process meets the legal requirement while at the same time maintaining the high standards to meet the objectives of the company
c. Leave Management:- Leave rosters need to be in place and strictly followed so that staff do not carry over leave from one year to the other while ensuring that work is not adversely affected.
7. Prepare and implement annual training calendar for the Company and ensure that it is imparted as per requirements of the team.
8. Seek ways of rewarding staff to ensure they are motivated and retained.
9. Champion culture change initiatives, embed pro-performance management frame work for all staff.
10. To take up any other duties that may be directed by the management.

1. Must have a Bachelor Degree in relevant humanity and possess a higher national diploma in Human Resources Management.
2. Must have at least three years’ experience in a recognized organization.
3. Experience of a similar position from a travel and tour company will be an added advantage.
4. Possess specialized knowledge Formulation of HR policies, procedures and strategies.
5. Have good interpersonal skills, communication skills, have the ability to multi task and work well under pressure, have good problem solving skills, a good driving force to change and change management, should be highly discrete and exercise confidentiality

Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and cover letters to on or before 20th Friday 2015. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


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