Hygiene Promotion Officer

FH/Kenya (Food for the Hungry, Kenya) a Christian relief and development agency seeks to fill the following open vacant positions:

Job Title:                                               Hygiene Promotion Officer
Reporting to:                                      WASH Coordinator
Time sheet:                                          85% of time spent in the field 
Contract period:                                 22 months
Job location:                                         Isiolo field office
Closing date for application:             23rd March 2013

Job summary
Under the leadership of WASH Coordinator, the Hygiene Promotion Officer will take participation in all aspects of design implementation and monitoring of community WASH project and ensure that hygiene and sanitation promotion activities are effectively and timely delivered to target groups 

•Conduct needs   assessments and studies in order to identify hygiene and sanitation practices and WASH-related health risks and priorities in target communities and institutions including health facilities.     
•Implement hygiene promotion activities appropriate to the context to ensure that technical and social aspects of water and sanitation programming are integrated.
•Train Community Health workers, Water User Management Committees, School Management committee and, WASH Management Committees and Community volunteers on management & hygiene messages.

 Qualifications, Experience, Skills and attributes
•Degree in Public Health/ Environmental Health or higher Diploma in Public Health, Environmental Health holders with extensive hygiene and sanitation training and experience will also be considered.
•Minimum of 3 years relevant work experience, previous experience in WASH programming in ASAL areas.
•Knowledgeable and competent in participatory approaches applied in community hygiene and sanitation promotion like PHAST, CLTS and School WASH approaches.
•Excellent verbal and written communication skills including report writing skills.
•Strong interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with a team and ability to work with culturally diverse groups of people
•Ability to travel and work in difficult conditions and under pressure.

Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications (clearly indicating their current or expected salary), updated CV with three referees, day telephone contacts to: Human Resource Manager, FH Kenya, P.o. Box 14978-00800 NAIROBI, Email address: hr_fhkenya@fh.org or drop them at our Nairobi office (Life ministry center, 3rd floor Jabavu Road, Kilimani next to Kilimani police station) latest by 23rd March 2013.
These are urgent positions and applications will be shortlisted as they are received.  Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interviews within a short period of time.
NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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