Technical Officer - (Social Economics) for Western Region


 (A joint Government of Kenya and European UNION Programme)

Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF) is a joint initiative of the Government of Kenya and the European Union established in 1996. CDTF is implementing a five year Programme, the Community Development Programme Phase Four (CDP 4) with two components, the Community Environment Facility Phase Two (CEF II) funded by both the European Union (EU) and the Government of the Royal Kingdom of Denmark, and the Community-Based Development Initiatives (CDI) funded by the EU.  The main objective of CDTF is to contribute to poverty alleviation efforts in Kenya by offering support in form of grants to community-based projects, which address basic social, economic and sound environmental management priorities.

Job vacancies have arisen in the CDI and CEF II components that require to be filled on contract basis by highly qualified and experienced Kenyan nationals. The contract duration will be up to 30th June 2014 with a possibility of an extension to 30th September 2015 subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds for the extended period. The position is:

Report to the Regional Officer
Duty Station
Overall Responsibility
Under the guidance of the Regional Officer, to provide technical advice during development and management of CDI projects in the areas of socioeconomics and poverty analysis in addition to managing and facilitating documentation and packaging of information for all the programme activities.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
  1. To promote, create awareness and sensitize key target stakeholders on the existence, relevance, and operating/funding mechanisms of the CDI
  2. Provide recommendations on how to systematically integrate the use of participatory methodologies within the project cycle of funded projects, in particular for: organization of launching workshop; field verifications and feasibility studies, monitoring of implementation progress and quality control; evaluation.
  3. Contribute to enhance awareness of in relation to gender issues
  4. Work with the M&E section and facilitate the development of appropriate poverty monitoring indicators  including performance and impact indicators for all funded projects as well as tracking tools. Facilitate the documentation and packaging of information, lessons and experiences including M& E findings for dissemination
  5. Solicit proposals on initiatives aimed at enhancing environmental management and poverty reduction in priority ecosystems, habitats and urban areas in Kenya
  6. Conduct technical assessment of submitted proposals. Where necessary, to conduct field appraisal for project proposals that largely meet the funding criteria and make recommendations to the CDI Manager. Carry out socioeconomic, poverty and feasibility and viability analysis studies for proposed projects to determine eligibility. Design and undertake Gender analysis Studies (GAS) in the context of field appraisals of project proposals and suggest means to address specific gender considerations.
  7. Assess community needs in respect to proposal development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and recommend appropriate assistance required to ensure that all stakeholders get equal opportunities of receiving funding through the programme
  8. Provide technical assistance and guidance to community projects during design, development and implementation, including promotion of new and innovative cost-effective methodologies and techniques.
  9. Write and submit monthly/quarterly/annual progress reports (narrative and financial) on CDI funded initiatives.
  10. Any other duties as may be assigned.
Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Field of Specialization:

Rural /Community Development or Socio‐economics
Other Qualifications
  •  Minimum of 5 years experience in management of community based development projects
  • Experience with project management at the strategic as well as the operational level
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Clean driver’s license
 General Information
  • The contract duration will be up to 30th June 2014 with a possibility of an extension to 30th September 2015 subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds for the extended period.
  • Frequent travel to community projects in Western Kenya and North Rift.

If you feel you are the right candidate CDTF is looking for, apply by filling the Job Application Personal History Form available from this Website (download form) quoting job title in subject line, and send together with your CV to email address: Hard copy applications will NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 29th March 2013 at 5.00pm.  Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview. Applicants, who will not have received a response by 31st May 2013, should consider themselves not successful.


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